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Saturday, January 14, 2006

Second Week..

Two weeks of school so far. Two months of slack timetable. Still not in the mood of studying. Still sticking to the old and stubborn thought that I'll learn much better outside. I'm sick of theories, theories and yet again theories. I'm tired of ice-breaking sessions and orientations. I'm dreading all the upcoming assignments and projects. I'm not exactly enthusiastic about what my tutor has proposed for my group for a community involvement project. I can't imagine myself embarking on a community service which would help save a non-human organization. I would rather aid our fellow human beings or perhaps Singaporeans, which would definitely be more meaningful. I always believe in the saying: charity starts at home. If we can't even save ourselves, don't try to be noble by saving others. My group has been so 'on' through the yahoo group that I've lost track of what's happening after not opening my gmail account for a couple of days.

Went back to NUS yesterday to watch this new local singer, Gong Shi Jia, who previously graduated from NUS. My obsession with her started when I found out that David Tao specially penned a song for her. I must admit her 'live' singing far exceeded my expectations. Here's a big thank you to the person who invited me to watch this concert, and of course, not forgetting the CD as well.

Anyway, the trip to NUS brought back nostalgic moments. Comparisons between my current institution and NUS inevitably surfaced. Even minor details such as the size of the parking lot or the general perception of the people in the canteen was not spared. I guess the grass is always greener on the other side. I find myself pinpointing ridiculous faults at my current institution though its definitely no fault of theirs. But anyway, I've always enjoyed my life in NUS. It was the best period of time throughout my education life-span. I love the freedom of being a student there. There was always a balance between studies and play there. Nobody breathed down our necks pleading us to study and lay down obvious expectations on us. In simplier words, the philosophy was, if you don't want to study, it's your own freaking problem. Be responsible for yourself.

In other news, my laptop is on the brink of death, which explains my lack of enthusiasm in doing any school work. Everything is reliant on technology now. Heck. I have tonnes of minute things of school -related stuff to do but I somehow end up doing non-important and other more interesting things. Now I finally understand why my students dislike school so much.


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