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Saturday, February 03, 2007

Incoherent Entry..

It has been one month since I've started my job. I've been lucky (or unlucky?) to be given the opportunity to teach all 3 streams: Express, Normal Academic and Normal Technical. Funnily, I'm beginning to prefer teaching English. Reason being that I'm not confined to the syllabus and there are abundance of materials and interesting activities out there which has to do with language. I'm finding it difficult to teach Mathematics as I've to stricty adhere to the scheme of work and it doesn't help that the students come in with mixed abilities. There are topics which they are supposed to have learnt in Primary school but the majority have obviously forgotten. Having to re-teach these topics would mean that I would be lagging behind the scheme of work and I would not be able to complete the syllabus. I get frustrated when they get the sums wrong even though I've told them repeatedly the rules and formulae. Sad to say, I'm the co-form teacher of my Maths class and ironically, my rapport with this class is the weakest because the only things that I talk to them about are Mathematics which they strongly detest and ya, nagging at them to bring their consent forms. Oh well.

I'm a nursing a terrible sore throat which has been going on for a couple of weeks. The flu virus has been spreading round the staff room and it doesn't help that Barb and Granny are down with sore throats too. I've to resort to buying a microphone and using it to teach even though I would rather much prefer to do without it. Barb will be forcing me to visit the doctor's tomorrow.

Cousin's wedding was a rather cosy affair. The only thing that irritated me was that it was held on a Sunday, which strongly deprived me of a good night's sleep in preparation for the week ahead. I became grouchy and sleepy a couple of times during the week and I slept more than 10 hours on two weekdays. I'm really sleep deprived. Times like this make me wish that we have a four day work week or that the public holiday would come faster.

It has been a rather incoherent entry. I'm going to sleep now despite the tonnes of marking and lesson planning to be done.